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Babies Home (Orphanage)

Long term type HelpAWG
Project themeNorth-South solidarity
Project language(s)English
Local language(s)English,Other
DurationThe volunteer should stay for at least 1 month up to 12 months.
Application infoShould be done at least one month in advance through VOLU partner organization in respective countries.
Project descriptionMampong Babies’ Home was founded by The Anglican Church of England. It is located at Mampong, in Ashanti region, which is about 90 minutes' drive from Kumasi. All the children in the homes are mostly orphans and are children of vulnerable people. The home has exit plan, thus the children are given to a member of the extended family for care and support. The Home continues to monitor the development of the children whilst he or she is with the extended family. The youngest of all the children is 4 weeks and the oldest is 10 years. The home has also a day care school.
Full descriptionN/A