Disclaimer: Please note that some organisations do not send volunteers to all projects listed on this web page. Contact your local organisation to get a list of the volunteering positions for which you may apply.

Semoya Edu

Long term type HelpLTEG
Project themeChildren, teenagers, elderly people
Project language(s)English
Local language(s)Malay, Indonesian
Work start2019-04-01
Work end2019-12-31
Application infoVolunteer will get a decision about his/her application within 2 weeks.
Project descriptionSD Muhammadiyah Semoya Brebah (Muhammadiyah Semoya Brebah Elementary School) is a private Islamic elementary school. This school was one of school that visited by IIWC cares after earth quake in 2006. Some programs such as emergency workcamps, NVDA special camp, Notebook Action, donation for rebuilding one kindergarten, donation for sport facilities in primary school around this area had been done successfully. Recently, The spirit and motivation brought by volunteers are expected to raise the motivation of the student to study more for their future.
Full descriptionN/A