Disclaimer: Please note that some organisations do not send volunteers to all projects listed on this web page. Contact your local organisation to get a list of the volunteering positions for which you may apply.

Idojigan Community Farm Projects

Long term type HelpAWG
Project themeOthers
Project language(s)English
Local language(s)English
DurationBetween 1 to 6 months
Application infoApplications are accepted throughout the seasons for the volunteer/s to participate. The project is on-going.
Project descriptionThis project is design to create opportunity for young people to acquire some skills on small scale farming. The poultry farm, rabbit and other pet animals will be supervised and managed by experienced member of the organisation. The aim is to learn to grow one's own food, and possibly a bit extra to sell on the market. Cultural diversity is also exchanged. The Motherless and disabled homes located within the village will be supported. The products from the farm are partly consumed in some of our motherless homes.
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